Friends of the Oelwein Public Library
Mission Statement:
To support and promote the activities and programs of the Oelwein Public Library and to encourage the public to use the library for entertainment and personal life-long experiences.
The Friends of the Oelwein Public Library is an all volunteer, non-profit 501c3, tax exempt organization.
Come in the Oelwein Public Library to join, or print and mail or drop off your Friends Membership form.
Membership options are:
- Adult $10.00
- Family $20.00
- Corporate $25.00
- Life $100.00
- Junior $2.00
Printable membership form here.
What We Do:
- Help to fund special programs
- Plan fund raising events to benefit the library.
- Help bring library services to the community.
- Advocate for the library.
- Encourage the use of the library's resources and services.
- Support Literacy.
- Assist the library in achieving its goals.
Membership Benefits:
- Your membership is tax deductible
- Attendance at the Friends Annual Tea
Friends of the Oelwein Public Library Board of Directors:
Kelli Schunk President
Susan Driscoll Vice President
Mary Frisch Recording Secretary
Jenny Gefaller Treasurer
Nancee Gearhart Parliamentarian & Membership
Josh Schunk Historian
Charlene Stocker
Dee Gerstenberger
Pat Taylor
Deb Vogel
Jody Solsma
The Friends of the Oelwein Public Library Board meets the second Monday of the month at 1:30 pm. in the library's meeting room.
The annual membership meeting is held on the second Monday in September of each year, at which time Board of Directors are elected/re-elected.