1000 Books Before Kindergarten
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What is 1000 Books Before Kindergarten?
1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a free initiative designed to promote reading to newborns, infants, and toddlers, with the intention of fostering family bonding and building a foundation for children to be successful once they start school. Don't worry if the goal sounds intimidating. If you read 3 books a day for a year, you will have read 1,095 books by the end of the year.
How does it work?
Just stop into the library to register for the program. You'll be given everything you need to start tracking the books read to your child.
You may count books more than once, as well as books read to your child at daycare, at library storytime, or by a grandparent or family member. Any book read to your child counts!
When you finish a log, bring it to the library for a prize and your next log. When you read 1000 books, your child will receive a school readiness pack with supplies that will help them be ready for starting school, a certificate commemorating their achievement, and a
book to keep.
Who can participate?
Any child who has not yet started kindergarten.
Use the hashtag #1000BooksB4K on social media if you share your child's progress with friends and family.
All Aboard!
To help "track" your progress, when you have read 100 books, you will receive a paper train car to write your name on and add it to the train. Your car will move with each 100 books you read until you reach 1000.